On the Sixth Day of Christmas ...

Thursday, 18 December 2014
My true love gave to me, This Orchard Sound by John Terpstra.

One of my favourite local books is Naked Trees by poet and woodworker John Terpstra. In 2012, Naked Trees urged me to look back at my own childhood and the important roles trees played in it, offering shelter, hidden worlds, and other adventures. Like in Naked Trees, Terpstra's recent offering of poetry, this Orchard Sound, examines the clash between nature and urbanity.

They say big things come in small packages, and this Orchard Sound is a perfect example of this old saying. At only 36 pages, it's a tiny collection, perfect for reading in one sitting. It takes readers inside a fruit orchard that is meeting its demise, making way for development we're all too familiar with.

this Orchard Sound is subtle and graceful without been seeped with sentimentality. It urges readers to look at their surroundings, appreciating the nature in our own backyards before it is lost to subdivisions and parking lots.

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