Supercrawl: Day Two and Three

Friday, 30 September 2016

If you missed my photo recap of Supercrawl Day One, click here. I also visited Locke Street Festival for the first time, making Supercrawl weekend exhausting, exhilarating, and full of endless #HamOnt pride. On to days two and three!

Day Two: 

The Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra plays with The Medicine Hat.

Fabricated from salvaged farm equipment, Sweeper is a pedal-powered machine that travelled the Supercrawl grounds.  

Check out my latest Hamilton Magazine column to read more about Unbuilt Hamilton, a fantastic look at a Hamilton that could have been. I missed the book signing, but the Art Gallery of Hamilton's Design Annex had many copies on hand.

The better half and I talked a lot about how so many of the movers and shakers in Hamilton aren't able to properly enjoy Supercrawl because they're busy (wo)manning booths, operating shops, and volunteering/working, so I was very pleased to see this sign at Mixed Media.

Royal Canoe

My last stop before heading to Hamilton Place to see John Prine (John-freaking-Prine!!!) was Andrew Baulcomb's launch for Evenings & Weekends: Five Years in Hamilton Music, 2006-2011, new from Wolsak and Wynn.

Day Three

I snapped a lot of Matt Andersen because one of my favourite Canadian musicians. He played for nearly two hours!

Meat Ventures Parm Fries: A staple of mot Not My Typewriter posts. 

"This is our street!" — Junior Boys killing it and wrapping up another amazing Supercrawl.

Locke Street Festival

Sunday, 25 September 2016

On September 10, I took a Supercrawl break to support my annoyingly talented better half (Find him here) who was hosting a pasta pop-up at the Locke Street Festival. Watch for him in coming months as he takes over the space that formerly housed the Cheese Shoppe on Locke. I may be biased, but he makes the best gnocchi in town.

I stopped by Epic Books on Locke to pick up The Captain of Kinnoull Hill, the first novel by Hamilton's Jamie Tennant, just released by Palimpsest Press. Loved to see all these local gems on display.

Dan Edmonds released a video for Love Can Be A Tunnel last week.
Check it out if you haven't seen it yet.

Locke Street Bakery is back! The Locke Street Festival marked their grand opening and they helped spread the word by handing out samples as we waited for the trolley running between Locke Street and Supercrawl.

Supercrawl 2016: Day One

Saturday, 10 September 2016
No time to type. I'm running late for Supercrawl Day #2. But first, some snapshots from an energetic first day. I love watching the city congregate in the core for this festival (now in it's seventh year). More to come! Happy crawling, Hamilton. 

Tickets to Hold Mommy's Cigarette, in support of YWCA Hamilton, are available at 

 Stop by the gritLIT: Hamilton's Readers and Writers Festival booth near Colbourne. 

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