Quotable: The Chairs are Where the People Go

Saturday, 28 April 2012
"Love is what happens between people living their lives together, becoming close through contact and actual partnership, and it's what survives through difficulties and imperfections. An idealized, imagined, faraway person in your heart — that's not love. That's a daydream. People often mistake that daydream for love, so either they're diappointed when love doesn't measure up to that daydream, or they try to protect that daydream from being sullied by real life."

— Misha Glouberman with Sheila Heti, The Chairs are Where the People Go: How to Live, Work, and Play in the City

Bookish NYC: Day Two

Sunday, 22 April 2012
It's been a few weeks since I posted my first round of photos from my two-day trip to NYC in February. I'm starting to wonder where winter and spring have gone, especially as my summer weekends start to fill up. Day two of our NYC trip began with a bus tour to Central Park, 30 Rock, Greenwich Village, and the World Trade Centre site, and before the group met up again for dinner in Little Italy, we had a few hours to roam SoHo and NoHo. Any booklover who has the chance to roam the streets of SoHo and NoHo, popping into bookstores along the way, should take it. These few hours were some of the best we spent in NYC, and I'm itching to go back to do some more exploring.

McNally Jackson Books (above and below) was one of my favourite stops. I walked away with a copy of Joan Didion's Slouching Towards Bethlehem. I figured it was time to stop repeatedly checking it out of the library, and it seemed like a fitting buy because it houses "Goodbye to All That," Didion's love letter to NYC. I also bought a gem from my childhood that got me so excited that I may have dropped an F-bomb in the children's department.
Fishs Eddy was a highlight of our wandering for me, because I finally got my hands on the Charley Harper plates and Alice in Wonderland glasses I've been eyeing online for at least a year.

gritLIT: Books and Music

Sunday, 8 April 2012
I'm about a week late on posting these photos, but here are a few shots from last weekend's Books and Music event, which was yet another fantastic gritLIT event. After dinner at the Baltimore House, my dad and I headed to the Hamilton Conservatory for the Arts where Robert Wiersema and Sylvia Tyson read. Expect a review of Robert Wiersema's book Walk Like a Man soon!

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