Favourite Reads of 2019

Wednesday, 1 January 2020

I'm careful to never call my end-of-the-year list a "Best Of," because as much as I'd like to read all the books, I get through such a small percentage of the books I want to read each year. This is a list of favourites — the books I couldn't put down, the books I highlighted in, and the books I've recommended over all others.

This year's list wasn't easy. There were a lot of good books published in 2019, but I've narrowed them down into a top-ten list that's mostly Canadian and mostly written by women. This year's list is a 50/50 spit between fiction and non-fiction (a departure for me). Read 2018's list, which was dominated by non-fiction.

In no particular order:
Honourable mention (Three books I read in 2019 that weren't published in 2019)
  • Us Conductors by Sean Michaels (for a second time, because it's just so good)
  • Conversations with Friends by Sally Rooney
  • Her by Christa Parravani
  • Suzanne by Anaïs Barbeau-Lavalette
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