2016: A Year in Review

Sunday, 1 January 2017

In 2016, I marked five years since beginning Not My Typewriter. It started as a book blog and transformed into something else, and each year, it evolves a tiny bit more. Thank you to everyone who has been reading over the past five years, and to those who have just stumbled upon it recently. I look forward to another year ahead of exploring #HamOnt and #CanLit.

My blog birthday wasn't the only thing I had to celebrate in 2016. It was a huge year for Hamilton's literary community: Lawrence Hill won CBC's Canada Reads for a second time. Wolsak and Wynn, Hamilton's local publisher, had their first book on the Giller Prize longlist. Gary Barwin's Yiddish for Pirates landed a spot on the Giller Prize shortlist. Michael Helm of Dundas was nominated for The Rogers Writers' Trust Fiction Prize for his book After James. Local first-time author Jamie Tennant started Get Lit, a radio program which airs on CFMU (Check out the first few episodes here: https://soundcloud.com/jamestennant-1). On a personal level, I was proud to be part of the team that launched the Hamilton Review of Books in November. These examples are really just the beginning. It was an exceptional year for local lit.

I've pulled together a few of my favourite posts from 2016. I look forward to many more adventures in 2017! Happy New Year!

Winter 2016

Spring 2016

Summer 2016

Fall 2016

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on 5 years!

    Blogging is fun and so what if the subject varies from time to time. That is what makes a blog interesting. I look to read more of your posts in 2017.

    I wish you and yours a Very Happy New Year!


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