Supercrawl: Day Two and Three

Friday 30 September 2016

If you missed my photo recap of Supercrawl Day One, click here. I also visited Locke Street Festival for the first time, making Supercrawl weekend exhausting, exhilarating, and full of endless #HamOnt pride. On to days two and three!

Day Two: 

The Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra plays with The Medicine Hat.

Fabricated from salvaged farm equipment, Sweeper is a pedal-powered machine that travelled the Supercrawl grounds.  

Check out my latest Hamilton Magazine column to read more about Unbuilt Hamilton, a fantastic look at a Hamilton that could have been. I missed the book signing, but the Art Gallery of Hamilton's Design Annex had many copies on hand.

The better half and I talked a lot about how so many of the movers and shakers in Hamilton aren't able to properly enjoy Supercrawl because they're busy (wo)manning booths, operating shops, and volunteering/working, so I was very pleased to see this sign at Mixed Media.

Royal Canoe

My last stop before heading to Hamilton Place to see John Prine (John-freaking-Prine!!!) was Andrew Baulcomb's launch for Evenings & Weekends: Five Years in Hamilton Music, 2006-2011, new from Wolsak and Wynn.

Day Three

I snapped a lot of Matt Andersen because one of my favourite Canadian musicians. He played for nearly two hours!

Meat Ventures Parm Fries: A staple of mot Not My Typewriter posts. 

"This is our street!" — Junior Boys killing it and wrapping up another amazing Supercrawl.


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