Supercrawl Day #1

Saturday, 15 September 2012
I have time for a really quick post before heading out to Supercrawl Day #2. Last night, still sporting my work clothes, my first Supecrawl stop was the Hamilton Public Library for the launch of Mark Leslie's newest, and first non-fiction, book, Haunted Hamilton. I must admit, the paranormal isn't a subject I'm very familiar with, or even very interested in, but I am a huge history nerd, and I love reading and listening to stories, especially mysterious ones, about Hamilton's past. The launch even included a ghost walk, hosted by Haunted Hamilton, through the city's core.

 Dad poses with one of Mark Leslie's stage assistants.

After checking out Wax Mannequin at the Colborne Stage, it was off to meet up with The Rest who were very grumpily waiting for some Indian food before their set at This Ain't Hollywood.

It's impossible to walk down James Street without seeing a new store, coffeeshop, or gallery pop up. One of the latest additions to the neighbourhood is Cafe Oranje, whose new home is the beautifully restored Lister Block. For a city that was so short on coffee culture when I moved here almost five years ago, Hamilton now has dozens of choices especially with new additions like Cafe Oranje, Radius, and Red Crow, all on James Street.

Finally, it was off to This Ain't Hollywood for a few too many pints and a great show by The Rest. I was even able to briefly connect with Kristen from one of my favourite local blogs, I Heart Hamilton.

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