Holiday Wishlist: gritLIT Weekend Pass

Wednesday, 23 December 2015
In case you missed it, we released a partial-list of gritLIT 2016 authors, and if I do say so myself, it's impressive! Between April 7-10, we’ll be welcoming to Hamilton Camilla Gibb, Anakana Schofield, Nino Ricci, Helen Humphreys, Terry Fallis, Russell Smith, Plum Johnson, Bernadette Rule, Rachael Preston, Gary Barwin, Pamela Mordecai, Emily Urquhart, Giles Blunt, Kim Echlin, and John Terpstra (among others to be announced)!

Pick up a weekend pass at the following locations:
Bryan Prince Bookseller, 1060 King Street W., Hamilton
Epic Books, 226 Locke St S., Hamilton
J.H. Gordon Books, 314 King St E. (near Wellington), Hamilton

To read more about these bookstores and others local to Hamilton, visit last year's holiday round-up.

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