Book Lover's Ball 2013

Friday, 8 February 2013
I can't think of a better day for a snow day than one that follows a late night spent at the Royal York volunteering at the Book Lover's Ball. The event, which is in support of The Toronto Public Library, is the perfect place to catch glimpses of some of my favourite authors — and I didn't have to pay the $750 ticket price. 
Here are a few random tidbits I picked up while volunteering: Grace O'Connell has amazing taste in shoes. Brian Francis looks great with a beard. Everybody stops talking when Jian Ghomeshi walks into a room. CanLit's most glamourous couple is from Hamilton. And based on conversations I overheard, and the burlesque show it inspired, S.E.C.R.E.T is going to be huge!


  1. Thanks for sharing these; it was a great night! I am so glad you were there and had a good time!!

  2. I think you've got tons to brag concerning! and that i would not worry about being "overly boastful" as a result of you are tooting your own horn! i prefer to listen to the great stuff that folks do. It's far better than hearing the long list of crap and ailments they're experiencing over ... and over ... and once again. Hearing dangerous stuff all the time is simply not smart.


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