Happy Birthday, Charlotte's Web

Monday 15 October 2012
“Wilbur never forgot Charlotte. Although he loved her children and grandchildren dearly, none of the new spiders ever quite took her place in his heart. She was in a class by herself. It is not often that someone comes along who is a true friend and a good writer. Charlotte was both.” 
 E.B. White, Charlotte's Web

Today is the 60th anniversary of one of my all-time favourite books, Charlotte's Web, so I dusted off my copy and found this adorable inscription from my seventh birthday. I can only imagine how many times I've read this creased and torn copy. 



  1. I think I may have been in college the first time I read it to one of my little sisters who absolutely loved the book. I think both my sisters did. It's one of those truly great children's stories for all of us.

  2. I agree. I've been meaning to reread it for a long time! I have a little cousin who I'm sure would love it. Maybe I'll read it to him!

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