Gone Camping …

Thursday, 28 July 2011
Blue nails, two books, a case of PBR, a dozen good friends, great music, and a sun that rarely stopped shining. These things perfectly sum up three exhausting, but memorable and gratifying, days at Hillside 2011 in Guelph.

Three days in the sun surrounded by interesting and creative people were exactly what I needed to be reminded that there is a life to be lived outside the GO Train and away from my computer. Hillside is possibly the best-organized festival I have ever attended. From the water-filling station to the reusable sporks, it is eco-friendly and inspiring, and it is always a pleasure to attend.  

I must admit, the initial line-up didn’t have me doing back flips, but I walked away from the festival with at least a dozen acts (Braids!) that I want to know more about. Dan Mangan has been playing through my earphones non-stop since Monday morning.

There is one highlight that stands out among all others. A highlight that I share with many bloggers and tweeters who have expressed the same thing over the past few days. One that has me a little bleary eyed just thinking about. Fred Penner. I met Fred Penner. I heard him sing songs from my childhood that instantly came back to me. Somehow I knew every word to songs I haven’t thought about in twenty years. It truly felt like magic.

My blue nail polish is chipping. I have uploaded my 300 pictures. The smell of campfire has finally left my hair. I’m back to chugging coffees and attempting to meet deadlines, dreaming of chickpea popcorn and the smell of sunscreen at Hillside 2012.

This video is a personal favourite — Fred Penner sharing my love of books.

1 comment:

  1. This is the great festival, as well Eco-friendly and inspiring, and it is always a pleasure to attend.

    Camping Tourist


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