Hidden Hamilton: The Rail Trail

Sunday, 20 April 2014

We're known as a city of industry, but we're also a city of abundant green space. The Hamilton to Brantford Rail-Trail runs for 32 kilometres, connecting Hamilton to Brantford along an abandoned roadbed that was first used by the Toronto, Hamilton, and Buffalo Railway (TH&B) in 1894.

I've heard rumours that the Rail Trail is home to an abandoned mini-putt course, which is tucked beneath the escarpment, out of sight from the many joggers, dog walkers, cyclists, and wanderers who use the trail. So, on Good Friday, we successfully set out to find it.

I wish there was more I could say about this abandoned mini-putt course, but with the exception of this music video, it doesn't much exist online. Right now, it's surrounded by the brownness and bleakness left behind by a long winter, but I can imagine, once the leaves return to the trees, it will be a hidden gem, invisible from the trail.

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