Telling Tales

Sunday, 18 September 2011
Today's weather was perfect for a trip to Westfield Heritage Village in Rockton, where the 3rd annual Telling Tales festival was taking place. I'm not sure there could be a better festival for a book geek and a history geek like myself.

I snapped many pictures today, but these are a few of my favourites. If you look closely, you will see Anne of Green Gables and a friend sitting outside the Jerseyville Train Station. Many scenes from Anne of Green Gables and Road to Avonlea were shot at Westfield. The blue dress with the "puffiest" sleeves that Matthew bought Anne is on display in the dry goods store.

I didn't walk away from the festival empty-handed. I bought a copy of 13 Ghosts of Halloween by Robert Muller to gift to my little cousin, Evan, and Alma Fullerton's Burn, which I've been hoping to read for awhile.

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